Chano Dominguez
Chano Domínguez is one of the most celebrated of jazz pianists and composers. His singular work is defined by his flamenco origins. In...
Chano Dominguez
Mayorga / Deutsch / Harris / De Rosa / Collective
Terraza 7 Venezuelan Jam
Terraza 7 Big Band
Greg Diamond and Nuance
Terraza 7 Jazz Jam
Alex Conde / Flamenco Jazz
Terraza 7 Jazz Jam by John Benitez
Victor Prieto & Cuadro Latino
Mayorga / Deutsch / Harris / De Rosa / Collective
Terraza 7 Jazz Jam by John Benitez
Alexander Kautz & Brazilian Collective. Special Guess: Magos Herrera
Terraza 7 Big Band
Emilio Teubal Trio
Terraza 7 Jazz Jam by John Benitez
Silvano Mosnasterios Quartet
Alex Conde / Flamenco Jazz
Gabriel Guerrero & Quantum Trio
Greg Diamond and Nuance
Edward Perez with Helio Alves